Helping agencies go virtual during COVID-19

  • Published
  • By Ms. Nicole King
During this time of social distancing it is important to remember that while we are physically separated, social support is still available. The 919th Special Operations Wing Resiliency Support Team has been working hard to ensure they remain accessible to Airmen and families throughout the recent pandemic.  

Helping agencies are available via phone calls and are adding tele-counseling options for face to face assistance to ensure Airmen remain resilient and mission ready.

Military & Family Life Counseling Program

The MFLC Program supports service members, their families, and survivors with short term non-medical counseling services. The MFLC is available to help with a variety of issues including Covid-19 adjustments, work life balance, anxiety and stress, communication, grief and loss, and anger management.

The 919th SOW MFLC has flexible appointments, is confidential and now has video tele-counseling sessions available.

Contact the MFLC at 850-480-3633 to schedule an appointment.

Preservation of the Force and Family

The Duke Field POTFF is available to help meet the mental, physical, social and spiritual needs of service members and will be available by phone and video tele-counseling. In-person meetings may also be scheduled on a case by case basis.

To contact the POTFF call 850-883-1689 or contact your chain of command for more information.

919th Special Operations Force Support Squadron

The 919th Special Operations Force Support Squadron is working to create innovative ways to reach service members and their families at home. They are providing a wide range of virtual services for the month of April. Check their Facebook page for more information and to sign up for their virtual events.

Airman and Family Readiness Center

Airman and Family Readiness Center will continue to operate virtually via email and telephone while also conducting virtual workshops. Transition Assistance Program requirements will be conducted over the phone or through a teleconferencing meeting for "one-on-one" assistance. The center will continue to offer resume workshops, financial budgeting assistance and information on available helping agencies.

Telephone and electronic consults are available Monday through Friday.

Call 850-883-6474, email, or check their Facebook page at for more information.

Chaplain Services

Chaplain services are available anytime by phone and during the duty day for in-person meetings at Duke Field until further notice.

The 919th SOW Head Chaplain can be reached by phone at 850-883-6919 and has options available for video chat.

Personal Finance Counselor

Training and workshops on topics such as money management, budgeting and developing spending plans, debit and credit card management, consumer rights and obligations, home buying,  retirement and  estate planning, taxes and more are available free to 919th SOW Airmen and their families.

Financial counselors can provide face to face counseling or deliver information by phone or electronic means. 

Contact the Duke Field PFC at to arrange an appointment.

Childcare Assistance

Many families have unique situations and are dealing with a variety of issues regarding childcare at this time. Work directly with the Child Development Center or your chain of command to figure out what options are available for your unique situation.

Employee Assistance Program

The EAP provides free, confidential services to all Air Force civilian personnel, including non-appropriated funds, or NAF, employees; Guard and Reserve; and family members to help manage everyday challenges and work on more complex issues.

To access services call 866-580-9078 or visit for more information.

Military OneSource

Military OneSource is available 24/7 to help with a variety of issues and provide non-medical counseling and support. New resources are now available for COVID-19 issues including updates, and information, non-medical video counseling for children and youth, and a live Facebook stream Monday through Friday at noon EST to highlight available resources.

Most Military OneSource services have not changed. Financial counseling, resilience tools, and specialty consultations may be especially useful at this time.

More information can be found at or by calling 1-800-342-9647.

United Way COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund

United Way is offering assistance to those in need and providing support to nonprofit organizations providing critical support to communities.

Visit their website at to find your local United Way and see what services are available.

Families Overcoming Under Stress

FOCUS provides resilience training and helps teach skills to families to help overcome challenges of military life, strengthen relationships and enhance communication.

The FOCUS website has a COVID-19 page that provides general resources, military specific resources, and information for parents on talking to children about difficult topics.

Visit for more information.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance on stress and coping

The CDC has information on ways to reduce stress during an infectious disease outbreak as well as up-to-date information about the COVID-19 virus.  

For more information visit the CDC website at

This is not an all-inclusive list and should only be used as a place to start if you are in need assistance with stress, finances, or other issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Citizen Airmen are encouraged to continue strict hygiene measures, social distancing and stay home if sick or exposed to someone who is having symptoms of COVID-19.

For more information, check the 919th SOW mobile app, the Florida Department of Health at or call the Duke Field Public Health office at 850-883-7745