Memorial Day message from the commander Published May 29, 2023 By 919th Special Operations Wing commander Citizen Air CommandosMemorial Day allows us to pause from our operational world to remember the men and women who have given their lives in the defense of the freedoms we enjoy today.American flags are proudly displayed in town squares, on military installations, private homes, and government facilities across the country in remembrance and honor of all our servicemembers who have paid the ultimate price defending our nation.Therefore, as you notice all the American Flags proudly displayed, take a moment to remember our brave heroes and their families. It is because of their service and sacrifice we have the freedoms of today. Never forget the sacrifices of those who came before us.Enjoy this Memorial Day with your friends and family. Your commitment and dedication to the 919 Special Operations Wing is what our nation needs to keep our precious freedoms from being compromised or threatened.Thank you for what you do. I am blessed and proud to serve with all of you.Never Forget,LOCOCol. Jason "LOCO" Grandy