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  • 919th innovating with 3D-printing

    The 919th Special Operations Maintenance Squadron is already finding ways to innovate in their day to day operations with 3D-printing technology. The unit will soon have even more innovative possibilities. Air Force Reserve Command recently selected the squadron to receive innovation funds for a new

  • Fighting the invisible enemy

    Medical professionals are dealing with a surge in patients needed treatment, the general public is dawning face masks and some states are on lockdown. In the wake of changes implemented to stop the spread of COVID-19, a small yet highly capable Reserve Medical Unit in the Florida panhandle is making

  • MyPers access, anywhere

    The Air Force Personnel Center has expanded the capabilities of myPers to be accessed anywhere, anytime, and from any device.Mobile accessActive duty, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, and civilian personnel, in addition to retirees and family members can now access myPers on a mobile-friendly

  • Reserve Chief Testifies Before House and Senate

    In back to back hearings, Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, chief of the Air Force Reserve and commander of Air Force Reserve Command, testified before the U.S. House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Defense and the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Defense March 2-3.Scobee was

  • Operations security key to mission success

    A Citizen Air Commando wrestles to equip his night vision gear as he sets off into the desert of a foreign land. Another Citizen Air Commando monitors a screen in a dark room as she determines which life to take in the theater of conflict. Reservists from Duke Field are all over the world performing

  • HQ ARPC strengthens partnerships, educates Airmen on record review boards

    Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center hosted the Air Force Review Boards Agency for a full-day of discussions and breakout sessions here, Jan.15, 2020. Personnel related issues that make it to the level of the AF Review board frequently involve divisions within HQ ARPC such as separations, DD

  • Reservists receive more benefits with annual DoD mobilization authorities

    The United States Federal Code details mobilization authorities for Reserve Component support to Combatant Commanders. Currently, the Secretary of Defense and delegated civilian leadership utilize three authorities for Air Reserve support to Combatant Commanders, according to Air Force Reserve Force

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