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  • Duke Field transitions to HPCON Charlie

    The 96th Test Wing commander directed all Eglin Air Force Base properties, to include Duke Field, to implement Health Protection Condition Charlie effective Aug. 16.The new measures are intended to protect the work force due to the increase in COVID-19 cases throughout Northwest Florida.“The health

  • COVID-19 Vaccine: What Airmen should know

    The delta variant of the coronavirus has spread across the Mississippi Gulf Coast causing a surge in cases and an increase in hospitalizations. The devastating effects of COVID-19 on patients is something Master Sgt. Felicia Johnson, an Air Force Reserve medic with the 403rd Aeromedical Staging

  • DoD directs employees to start wearing face masks again

    Following guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Defense Department has directed employees working in areas at high risk for transmission to begin using face masks again as a measure to prevent the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus, especially the fast-moving,

  • Policies change for fully vaccinated

    The updated Department of Defense policy on mask wear allows more flexibility for vaccinated individuals on situations where masks are required. The Eglin installation commander, Brig. Gen. Scott Cain, 96th Test Wing commander, revised Eglin’s mask-wear policy due to the new DoD guidance for

  • PT test pushed to July, more updates forthcoming

    When assessments resume, the three-component fitness test (1.5 mile run, 1 minute of pushups and situps) will be reset with scores calculated on a new three component scoring table. In addition, work is underway to separate scoring into five-year age groups as opposed to the previous ten – for

  • 919 SOMDS begins COVID-19 vaccinations

    The 919th Special Operations Medical Squadron began vaccinating Citizen Air Commandos against COVID-19 on February 1, 2021, after receiving their first shipment of vaccines.

  • Reserve Senior Leaders Receive COVID-19 Vaccination

    Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, AFRC commander and chief of the Air Force Reserve, and Chief Master Sgt. Timothy White, AFRC’s command chief and Scobee’s senior enlisted advisor, rolled up their sleeves at the base medical facility. They will receive their second vaccination shot in about three weeks.“I

  • Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine

    We understand that some people may be concerned about getting vaccinated now that COVID-19 vaccines are available in the United States. While more COVID-19 vaccines are being developed as quickly as possible, routine processes and procedures remain in place to ensure the safety of any vaccine that

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