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  • SOF members reunite for different mission

    A Green Beret and an Air Force Reserve pilot who supported contingency operations together were reunited recently almost seven years later. Maj. John Karlesky, 859th Special Operations Squadron pilot, and U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class (Retired) Ian Prescott’s paths crossed again for a different

  • Service celebrated

    Staff Sgt. Brian Ploof, 919th Special Operations Security Forces Squadron, educates a young visitor about the M-870 shotgun at the Military Appreciation Recognition Celebration in Crestview, Fla., May 20, 2017. The annual event affords a unique opportunity for Crestview area citizens to meet

  • Wolfhound check up

    Senior Master Sgt. Bill Bethke, 711th Special Operations Squadron, completes his postflight checks on a C-146 Wolfhound at Duke Field, Fla., Oct. 21. The Air Force Special Operations Wing aircraft are used specifically in the training and operation of the 919th Special Operations Wing’s nonstandard

  • November commander's suggestion box responses

    The 919th Special Operations Wing commander installed commander's comments/suggestion boxes at various locations around the base. When the questions/comments are applicable wing-wide they will be published on the home page and members who provide their name and contact information will be contacted

  • Wolfhound flight checks

    Senior Master Sgt. Bill Bethke, 711th Special Operations Squadron, completes his postflight checks on a C-146 Wolfhound at Duke Field, Fla., Oct. 21. The Air Force Special Operations Wing aircraft are used specifically in the training and operation of the 919th Special Operations Wing’s nonstandard

  • Wing promotes 18 Citizen Commandos

      The following 919th Special Operations Wing enlisted reservists were promoted in December: Master sergeant:Leonard Ooten Technical sergeant:Corey FieldsLance IvyDustin MalloryJuliana PerryBenjamin Rowe Staff sergeant:Bradley AllenAndrea BeisnerErica CampbellKari HowellJason KenyonShaun MartinScott

  • Operations below a blue sky

    C-145 Skytrucks wait for their next flight on the Duke Field flightline Oct. 21. The Air Force Special Operations Wing aircraft are used specifically in the training and operation of the 919th Special Operations Wing’s mission. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Sam King)

  • Airmen, family visit flightline

    Members of the 919th Special Operations Wing and the families walk toward the wing’s aircraft for an up-close look during the Duke Field Wing Day event Oct. 7. The 919th Special Operations Wing sets aside a special day each year to show appreciation for its reservists and their family members.

  • Chief runs AF marathon for enlisted village

    Chief Master Sgt. Anthony Green, Air Force Special Operations Air Warfare Center, receives a letter of appreciation from Ret. Chief Master Sgt. Scott Delveau, Director of Development for the Air Force Enlisted Village, during an AFSOAWC awards ceremony Oct. 29 at Duke Field, Fla. Green raised

  • Duke Field's special operations aircraft

    A C-146 Wolfhound passes a C-145 Skytruck while flying over the Duke Field runway Oct. 21. The Air Force Special Operations Wing aircraft are used specifically in the training and operation of the 919th Special Operations Wing’s mission. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Sam King)

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